An image of J.A. Brown.
The J.A. Brown logo.

Meaning scientist. Entrepreneur. Polymath. Broadcaster. Game modder. Software developer. Linguist. Social and political commentator.
Free speech crusader. The Man with the MRGA Hat.
The Jordan Peterson Guy. Make Reality Great Again.

home of the
The FISA World Stock Car Championship logo.
“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”
—Thomas Jefferson


Welcome to J.A. Brown’s Website!

Latest news

15 October 2024
Lots of changes
About two and a half months ago, in late July, my girlfriend, Annemieke, and I broke up. It was her decision, not mine. I was devastated for a while, and to tell you the truth I’m still not dealing well with the breakup. To make matters worse, only a few weeks after that, on 15 August, my…
26 February 2024
Can Computers Understand Meaning?
Can computers understand meaning? My initial hypothesis would be “no”. In fact, my initial hypothesis to such questions is always “no”, because meaning relates to some aspect of the real world (as I expressed it in my MA thesis, “meaning is a relation”)—something which computers cannot…
28 January 2024
Life update and a BIG THANK YOU to my new supporter on Locals
Three days ago, the plaster cast was removed from my wrist. It’s still a bit painful, so I was worried the fracture might not have healed correctly, but the doctor told me it has and that the pain is due to muscle stiffness. It’ll be four weeks before everything will be back to normal, and in…

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About me

An image of J.A. Brown.

I am J.A. Brown. From childhood on, I have been active in a variety of creative projects in the area of media, art, and later language. In 2020, I graduated from Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, with my MA cum laude in linguistics. Around the same time, I came up with the concept of “meaning science”. Since then, I have focused once again on my creative ideas and projects. Today, I work as a software developer, as well as being the owner of a small business. You can read more about me on the wiki.

About this site

This site serves as both my personal website and that of my business. It is meant to give you an overview of my ideas and activities. If you want to know about my career and current business activities, as well as the people helping me to make them a success, check out Professional. If you want to know what “meaning science” is all about, have a look at Whence “meaning scientist”?. You can also read more about the academic research I have done at Academic.
This site used to be made using WordPress. I’m currently ‘de-WordPressifying’ it—the current site is written entirely in PHP by yours truly, in probably less than 500 lines of code all in all. (Okay, maybe a little more now that the system for the blog posts has been added.) The blog posts still exist in the WordPress database though. As you can see, the “Latest News” section at the top shows excerpts from the three most recent ones. I’m currently designing a system to display the blog posts on here again, as separate pages. The first and second steps of that have now been completed. The third and last step is to redo the database so I’m no longer dependent on the WordPress database. When I do that, the system will be finished, and that’s when the de-WordPressification process will be completed.

Current projects

The best way to get in touch with me and stay up to date about my projects is through Locals. You can also support me there financially with a one-time or monthly donation.

Since September 2022, I have been working on a podcast titled De Krodkast, of which the second season is currently ongoing. The podcast is in Dutch, aimed at a Dutch audience, and discusses general subjects of my interest. To listen to all episodes, or to find out more about the podcast, go to the relevant page under the Projects menu, or read the wiki article.

In August 2022, I announced the FISA World Stock Car Championship, the first championship broadcast through my new project Events Related to Potential. For more information about both Events Related to Potential and the FISA World Stock Car Championship, go to the relevant page under Projects or click the link at the top of this page.

I’m working on an AI chat bot. A sort of alpha version of this bot, with very limited AI capacities, currently runs in Discord and will be available to the public on the official J.A. Brown Discord server.

Also, I’m still redoing this site so that I won’t need to use WordPress anymore. One part of the site which has recently been released, but which has been in the works for several years, is a wiki on which I record information about myself and the various projects I’ve worked on over the years.

Finally, I have a YouTube channel that I use to broadcast my opinion (some might call it ‘ranting’) on current affairs related to freedom of speech, politics, philosophy, and so on, as well as one-off videos like “hood vlogs;”. I also publish my thoughts and commentary on Locals and on Twitter (WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SHITPOSTING), and I have a Twitch channel where I stream myself playing games (all I have streamed so far is rFactor).
I’m not really using the YouTube and Twitch channels at the moment, although I sometimes randomly upload on YouTube. Twitch will be used again in the future to stream Events Related to Potential.

Future projects

In addition to the projects I'm already working on, I have a few more planned. They are:

  • – a new business activity (see Professional for more info);
  • – a comedy TV series;
  • – a new social network.

More information about these projects will be available on this site in the future.

Past and shelved projects

For projects I have worked on, or planned to work on, in the past, see Projects. I always like to keep unfinished ideas around in case I want to work on them again later, or someone else wants to.

Page last updated: 18 June 2024.

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