An image of J.A. Brown.
The J.A. Brown logo.

Meaning scientist. Entrepreneur. Polymath. Broadcaster. Game modder. Software developer. Linguist. Social and political commentator.
Free speech crusader. The Man with the MRGA Hat.
The Jordan Peterson Guy. Make Reality Great Again.

home of the
The FISA World Stock Car Championship logo.
“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”
—Thomas Jefferson


NOW AVAILABLE: My presentation as presented at the Moving Humanities conference

Posted on 1 November 2019 in Academic, Public Speaking

Last modified on 5 October 2020

This is a bit late, but I’ve been very busy the past week. I finally found a place to live, which I moved into yesterday. After two months of living out of a bag, it’s a big relief.

Anyways, I forgot to mention that the presentation I gave last Thursday at Moving Humanities is now online on YouTube:

There is also other good news. I got in touch with a guy who wants to organize Jordan Peterson-related meetings in the Netherlands. He made a Facebook group for that. And I finally received an email from Holding Space Films, who are putting me in touch with other people in the Netherlands who want to organize a screening of The Rise of Jordan Peterson. I was happy to learn that I’m not the only one who wants to do this, apparently.

As always, STAY TUNED for the latest news and updates!

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