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Meaning scientist. Entrepreneur. Polymath. Broadcaster. Game modder. Software developer. Linguist. Social and political commentator.
Free speech crusader. The Man with the MRGA Hat.
The Jordan Peterson Guy. Make Reality Great Again.

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“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”
—Thomas Jefferson


NEXT WEEK: My presentation at the Dutch Annual Linguistics Day

Posted on 24 January 2020 in Academic, Language

Next week, I will be presenting at the Grote Taaldag, also known as the Dutch Annual Linguistics Day, at Utrecht University. This will be my second-ever conference presentation at a conference, and the first at a conference that’s actually about linguistics (the first one was at a philosophy conference).

I will be presenting my paper Iconicity of the vowels in Dutch verbs: a response to Foolen (2019) and related literature. You can read that here.

I'm not sure if the presentation will be recorded. Hopefully there will be a camera.

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